Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Cool Fall Cycling - YEAH

I got the new (old) final drive installed w/ the new (old) driveshaft. These both came off an '86 K100. When I finished the project the clock read 49544. As shown in the pic I'm over 50K now and there has not been a problem. Being out in the fall on the LT is so much fun! How long will I ride into the late fall, i dunno, but today was great 10/14.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

FD drive & drive shaft removed

Got almost everything apart. Still need to remove the disk from the "old" Final Drive. Hope to get this done over the weekend. Other parts were ordered and should have them by next week.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Taryn Trip

This is the trip that left me (us) on the side of the road. My daughter Taryn enters middle school this fall and I wanted to have a special time with her, an overnight camping trip. The trip started well and we took off in the late after noon for Lake Louise State Park. The night was great and the time with Taryn was fun talking by the fire. The next morning after breakfast we headed to Burr Oak, IA and the Laura Ingalls Wilder museum. This was also fun since Taryn has read all the books and some extras concerning Laura's life. After leaving the museum we were headed to Lanesboro, MN for some lunch. We never made it. From the map you can see where we broke down. I knew the splines on the drive shaft were a little worn, but not enough to quite working altogether. Taryn said it would be a trip that we would not forget. We made it home w/ a lift from a freind who went to my house and got my trailer. We did get lunch about 4:30 in the afternoon. Hope to get the LT running in the next couple of weeks so I can enjoy the Fall.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Parts Replaced...

After some replacing of some parts, air filter, fuel filter, and some other stuff had to remove the tank and replace it 3x. These two little yellow wires attach to the front brake lights and attach right under the tank. I trust the connection will hold together now -- used some duct tape! I also now have hand grips heated. The original switch was not working so had to add switch to get them working. I'm ready to ride this fall.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

3 States!!!

After some work on the LT that has given it a new "feel" -- wow is it running smooth (thanks), I was able to take off on a long over due ride w/ a freind. 3 states, 1 afternoon -- turing the throttle -- PRICELESS!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

1st Thursday's Again...

Took the long route up and enjoyed the countryside. Northfield, MN will need another visit. This was the largest crowed ever that I've been at. After the time looking at the cycles, people and enjoying slice of pizza we headed over to Bob's Java. Nice to relax, enjoy a beverage before the fun ride home.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ride w/ Aimee

Had a chance to ride with my AWSOME wife during a Friday night CMA ride. Had a great fish fry before heading home.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Duluth Trip

I headed up the "Blue Star Highway" today to Duluth. The objective was to make purchase at the Rider Wearhouse http://www.aerostich.com/ . The day started out a bit chilly, just above freezing, however, on the return trip I was taking off the layers. Route 23 from Duluth to Sandstone was a great road. Wish I would of been on that all day. You can see from the pic where I stopped for lunch, not sure who the lady was that open the door when I clicked the camera, oh well. Round trip from home was 454miles!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

1st Thurs @ Dulono's

Today was Apr. 3rd, first Thursday of April. I've heard about "1st Thursday's" from a friend and took off this afternoon to check it out. It was a great time, the pizza was great and had fun checking out the cycle scene in the cities. Dulono's is on Lake St. right near Lyndale. Comming home it was a bit chilly, temp was just under 40 when the sun went down.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

2008 -- YEAH!!!

Today was it. I got home early and let the battery sit on the charger for 2hrs. Rinstalled the battery and the K-bike stared right up. Just before this I was going to put air in the tires and realized my pump was not working so I just stopped by the Super America down the road and got air. Everything seemed to run fine. Ended up putting about 30 miles on. It was SOOOOOO good to be out again.